Advanced Artificial Intelligence with Python

Course Duration: 8 months (64 classes, 2 classes per week)

Week 1-2

# Class 1-2 Python basics Python Data types
1 Introduction to Python Modules, pip, comments Variables,Data Type, Type Casting,
# Class 3-4 Conditional Expressions Loops
2 if, elif, else statements if-else ladder For loop, While loop

Week 3-4

# Class 5-6 Libraries for AI Libraries for Data manipulation
1 Pytorch Numpy, Pandas
# Class 7-8 Data Visualization Data Graphing
2 Matplotlib Plotting graphs, bar chart, histogram for data representation

Week 5-6

# Class 9-10 Introduction to GenAI Introduction to LLMs
1 Use GenAI models Introduction to pipeline function
# Class 11-12 OpenAI models Gemini models
2 Write Code of Open Source models Use GPT-3, GPT-4o mini etc Gemini 1.5 Flash

Week 7-8

# Class 13-14 Prompt Engineering Introduction to HuggingFace
1 Use models and pipeline for prompt engineering Choose best models for specific task
# Class 15-16 NLP(Natural language processing) Computer Vision
2 Advanced NLP and CV Use OpenAI for Chatbot and Image generation Use Gemini for Image and Video Classification

Week 9-10

# Class 17-18 Machine Learning (ML) ML with Transformers
1 Introduction to Transformers Library Use Transformers for machine learning NLP, Computer Vision, Audio, Multimodal
# Class 19-20 Sentiment Analysis Table-QA
2 Analyzing digital text, the emotional tone of the message is positive or negative Ask Question about CSV file from database

Week 11-12

# Class 21-22 Text-Generation Image-To-Text
1 Transformers for NLP Use conversational model Use Image classification model
# Class 23-24 Text-To-Image Audio Classification
2 Transformers for CV and Audio Use Image generator model Use audio Classification model

Week 13-14

# Class 25-26 Unsupervised Learning Supervised Learning
1 uses machine learning(ML) algorithms create and analyze datasets machine learning that uses labeled datasets to train algorithms to predict output
# Class 27-28 Introduction to Datasets Fine-tuning
2 Train Models HuggingFace dataset Train models through huggingface datasets

Week 15-16

# Class 29-30 Train NLP datasets Train Computer Vision datasets
1 Data Collection Collecting data for NLP Collecting data for Computer Vision
# Class 31-32 Train NLP Models Train Computer Vision Models
2 Traning models AutoTokenizer, AutoModel, Pytorch Using Diffusers library for traing CV Models

Week 17-18

# Class 33-34 Introduction to Deep learning Deep learnig for NLP
1 Train models with high level of programming Hands on practice for NLP
# Class 35-36 DL for computer Vision Train models on large datasets
2 Hands on practice for Computer Vision train models with multiple datasets

Week 19-20

# Class 37-38 Chatbot with custom datasets Project Face-Recognizer
1 hands on project chatbot hands on project face recognizer
# Class 39-40 project incorporating #
2 Final Project Presentation Students present a final project incorporating
all the advanced AI concepts learned in

Week 21-22

# Class 41-42 Introduction to Reinforcement Learning RL with HuggingFace
1 learn about Agent, State, Environment, Reward, Action Learn huggingface libraries Stable Baselines3,
RL Baselines3 Zoo, Sample Factory and CleanRL
# Class 43-44 Use Stable Baselines3 library Q-learning
2 Project Presentation implement our first RL agent from scratch

Week 23-24

# Class 45-46 Train Game Agents Use Agent against other student's Agent
1 Train Huggy the Dog Hands on project
# Class 47-48 Project incorporating #
2 Final Project Presentation Students present a final project incorporating
all the advanced AI concepts learned in

Week 25-26

# Class 49-50 Maths for AI Introduction to Calculus in AI
1 Introduction to weight and biases learn how neural network works
# Class 51-52 Introduction to Linear Algebra in AI #
2 Clustering, data fitting, classification, validation, and feature engineering #

Week 27-28

# Class 53-54 Introduction to Neural Network #
1 Create Basic structure of neural network #
# Class 55-56 Create LLMs from scratch #
2 Create LLMs through neural network #

Week 29-30

# Class 57-58 Introduction to Robotics Interfacing Aurduino With python
1 Learn about Aurduino and it's Sensors Write python code for interacting sensors
# Class 59-60 LLMs with Aurduino #
2 Use large language modules with Aurduino #

Week 31-32

# Class 61-62 Basic Autonomous Robotics Decision-Making algorithms
1 Intracting Computer Vision, Audio, NLP with aurdino Train the robot to make the right decision
depending on the situation.
# Class 63-64 project incorporating #
2 Final Project Presentation Students present a final project incorporating
all the advanced AI concepts learned in